“The Crescent” located in the posh civil lines area at Sarojini Naidu Marg, Prayagraj, is one of the most luxurious offerings of the Shervani Group.
"The Crescent" located in the posh civil lines area at Sarojini Naidu Marg, Prayagraj, is one of the most luxurious offerings of the Shervani Group, consisting of three-bedroom and four-bedroom apartments that are laden with comfort, elegance and high quality living environment. Driven by design, the meticulous planning infuses spice into the space. Whether yours is a joint or nuclear family, the smartly calibrated apartments fit seamlessly into your individualised lifestyle. The upscale class reflects the quality of materials utilised to create the ambience you always wanted for your dream house. From glorious living to luxurious features, the project has everything you need to make a statement. The well designed superior construction is the hallmark of our endeavour and it will surely enhance your lifestyle. Every apartment is centrally airconditioned with the latest energy saving VRF technology and equipped with air purification which eliminates particulate matter, odour, bacteria and virus from indoor air. We, at the Shervani Group have taken every care to bring you the best available apartments and air quality. Come breathe the freshest air in Prayagraj.
Residential Group Housing project. Regd no· UPRERAPRJ621628 Project consists of 2 towers of 10 storey each. There are 36 units. 17 units are of 3 BHK and 19 units are of 4 BHK.
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